Saturday, January 23, 2010


So my wife started two new blogs this past week and was very excited about them! She posted them and asked me to go and check them out, so I did. She did a wonderful job - the layouts and color schemes were perfect. She then proceeded to ask me if I actually read any of her posts. To be honest with you I skimmed them over but I didn't actually read them. The first one I saw was all about a brand new muffin recipe. Now as much as I like to eat I'm not all that interested in cooking. However it got me thinking about tone (because every self respecting guitarist knows that everything goes back to tone right?...JK:) Yes I know it sounds odd but it got me thinking about tone! You see when you find a good tone that you really really love its just like finding a great recipe! The guitarist, guitar, amp, and pedal setup all mix together to get that unbelievable sound! So I give my wife and her "muffin recipe" all the credit for starting this new blog!

Some of my favorite tone recipes are as follows;

American Telecaster - Mesa Boogie Rectoverb - MXR Distortion +

American Strat - 65' Fender Deluxe Reverb (Vintage Reissue) Pushed Hard

American Strat - 65' Fender Deluxe Reverb (Vintage Reissue) - Tube Screamer

Gibson ES 135 - Mesa Boogie Rectoverb - Fulltone OCD

I would like for this blog to serve as an ongoing conversation of ways to improve our effectiveness for playing for our Mighty God! So please use the comment section of this blog to give your ideas and thoughts! If you have a favorite "tone recipe" that you love please post it here!

Serving Him,



  1. Don Moen wrote some really good articles on worship.. i'll try to get them and send them to you. BTW this is Jeremy

  2. my fav tone recipe now:
    fender amer ash strat - OCD (or barber ltd silver, ocd is more touch sensitive) - cmatmods deeelay - mesa f50 with a cranked output stage, gain dialed low

  3. i second nathans!! i also like the sound of a Jackson Mark Morton Dominator with seymour duncan '59 pickups run through a Mark IV with scooped mids. thats a very very nice classic sound. i need to get my hands on a Mark IV or V one of these days.
