Monday, May 10, 2010


Modern technology you gotta love it!  The internet has revolutionized our world in so many ways.  You no longer need telephone books, maps, or even an encyclopedia!  All you have to do is go online and, voila it's there.  In this post I would like to share with you some of my favorite websites and blogs that have helped my playing!  Please feel free to share some of the websites that you like in the comment section below!
This is a GREAT site!  You may not be into music theory but it's the building blocks of music.  This site is great for all aspects of music!  Ear training, note recognition, interval training, etc.  This isn't the flashiest site but its very helpful.
I just found this site not long ago.  It's great!!!  They have all sorts of guitar lessons on their normal site and some free lessons on their youtube site.  Check it out!
This site is cool too!  They have online lessons that you can view for only $1.99 per lesson.  Not a bad price!  There is a wide variety of lessons from professional players.  They have lessons ranging from rock, jazz, blues, to even guitar maintenance.
Harmony Central is a invaluable website.  There are all kinds of user reviews on amps, effects, guitars and anything else that deals with music!  If you're thinking about buying some gear check this site out first to see what others think of it!
I also follow a few different blogs.  This guy has a great blog!  I found his blog one day after searching for a tap tempo pedal schematic.  Check it out . He discusses his gear and what's worked for him.
This is Chris Lockwood's blog, he's the guitarist from the band "33 miles".  I love the name of his blog, God, Gear, and Guitars!  They have some great songs too!

Ok so there are just a few websites that are very useful.  What about you?  What sites / blogs do you follow?  List them below!

1 comment:

  1. I got two sites to add to this:

    Gearpage. A great site for guitarists, gear heads, tone snobs, everything is here! also they have an awesome emporium where people sell used stuff for super cheap.

    Site where they do alot of video reviews of pedals, also this site does a whole slew of givaways and contests. Every friday they give a pedal away, its free to enter and everything. pretty cool when you want to demo some pedals before buying.
