Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Have you ever gotten anything backwards before?  I know I have!  If you are a guy and you're reading this, you've probably put something together without reading the directions first.  And just when you're ready to put that last piece together you realize something is wrong.  You realize that one piece is backwards and it simply messes everything else up.

I had a good friend call me this week (actually he was returning my original call) and he told me about this conversation he had with a friend of his.  He went on to tell me that his church is going through a transitional period and that his friend was not all about it.  He said that his friend started saying things like, "I don't like this, I don't like that, I'm not being fed"and so on.  He said to me, "Jimmy I didn't know what to do or what to say, I was just frustrated with the conversation".  He asked me, "What do you say to that?"

After thinking about it, my mind went to this picture I took of my son.  He was so excited that day!  He had gotten himself dressed and was so proud of himself!  He said, "Dad wook at me!"(He still can't say his "L's" right.)
You see it's so very easy to get things backwards, isn't it?  My friend's friend had one common theme in his words.  Did you catch it?  It was the word "I".  His focus was upon himself and not on God.  Too often we think that the church is supposed to be all about "us".  And that it should meet all "my needs".  The only problem with that is that it's not all about us.  In fact that kind of thinking is backwards!  Church is about God!  It's about worshipping a Holy God!  Not worshipping our likes, or tastes, or preferences but about worshipping our Creator.  We need to come to church in an attitude of surrender and offer our lives to Christ.

Romans 12:1 says,
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship."

You see our purpose in life is to worship God!  To offer up our lives as a living sacrifice!  Not just to simply please ourselves, but to please God!  But in our market driven world it's so easy to get it backwards. Companies spend million's of dollars each year to try to convince you that YOU need their product.  YOU deserve this.  YOU deserve that.  Have it YOUR way.  All these things focus on our own selfish desires and that can spill into the church.

The funny thing is, is that we (as Christians) have become masters at "over spiritualizing" these things and we actually try to make ourselves sound more spiritual when we say things like "I'm not being spiritually fed,"or "I'm feeling led by God to go here or there."  Many times we can sound so spiritual and yet we can be so sinful because we're focused on our own selfish desires and not Godly ones!

It's much like my son's shorts.  When I first saw him I didn't realize they were on backwards.  Everything looked fine at first glance.  However when I took a closer look I realized something wasn't right.  It was then that he said, "Dad something doesn't feel right".  I think this is what my friend might have been feeling during his whole conversation with his friend.  Something just doesn't feel right?  That's because it can sound so "spiritual" and yet it might not be.

So lets always try to be careful about how we view our church and our attitude as we come into a worship service.  May we always come in with an expectation of worshipping God and not simply to do the things that we like or prefer.  Make sure that your shorts are on right (not backwards)!  Because it's not about us, it's all about Him!

Serving Him,



  1. Excellently said, Jimmy. One of my previous pastors shared a simple bit of wisdom with his congregation that I've never forgotten in the 20+ years since I heard it. In fact, the moment he said it, it changed my entire perspective of "church". He said, when you cross the threshold into the church building, it is your opportunity to enjoy many spiritual experiences, but ultimately it is GOD'S TIME.

    Our reason for coming should be about worshiping our Heavenly Father. It is an opportunity for us to leave everything else outside the door, and to focus our attention and devotion FULLY on God. No chit-chatting or texting during the offering, no filing our nails or passing around pictures of our vacation during the sermon, no pouting if the special music is not our "kind of music" (after all, the music is offered as praise and worship from the heart of the deliverer to an audience of One... it is not intended as entertainment... at least, it SHOULDN'T be).

    He emphasized that we should recognize that each moment is for praise and worship and treat it as such. Concentrate each and every single second on our relationship with God.

    It saddens me that so many churches have had to go to multiple services in order to appease the likes and dislikes of the individuals. I do understand that those decisions are made by church leadership in the attitude of love and sacrifice in order to reach the lost hearts of folks who otherwise may not attend. But it has turned into a way of catering and conforming worship to the will of the selfish human heart, instead of the individual conforming his/her heart to the will of God. And where does it end?

    I've found that if I walk into a church, almost ANY church (don't get me wrong... I do realize and admit there are a few churches that have become Godless), and if I earnestly seek to find God there, He is. I've found that when I leave myself at the door and give over to the leading of the Holy Spirit during the service, I am always "fed" spiritually and intellectually, and that somehow I too become a beneficiary of the love and worship that is intended for God only. It's a happy paradox.

    I will pray for your friend's friend. He could be using this transitional time as an opportunity to get closer to God and to learn how rich and satisfying "his" church experience can truly be when he stops making it all about "him" and starts making it all about "Him".

    Hugs to all you Petterec people... especially the short ones!


  2. Thanks so much Jessica! We all need to get together sometime soon! I will tell the little buddies you and Mr. Mont said hi! :)
