Saturday, October 2, 2010

Pedal Placement!

So I just rearranged my current pedal board and I thought it would be a good idea to blog about what order to put your pedals in. I'm constantly switching my pedals in and out of my board. I like to use different pedals for different styles of music. So as a result it's important to keep in mind the order in which you place them. You may be asking yourself why is it important to consider which order these things go? That's a good question!

The order of your pedals can play a significant role in the shaping of your sound and tone, not to mention the feel of the guitar!  If you put a flanger pedal before your delay it will sound completely different then if you put it after your delay!  

So here are a couple of tips to help aid in the process.  These are not set in stone, they're just some rule of thumb ideas.  

- Compression and Wah before Distortion
- EQ after Distortion
- Reverb, Phaser, Flanger, and Tremolo after Delay
- Volume pedals can be useful in a few different places, in the front, at the end, or even before the delay.

Currently my pedal order is as follows:
Boss-TU2 - Keeley Compressor - Dunlop Wah (True bypass) - Fulltone OCD - Fulltone 69 - BYOC Screamer Clone - BYOC MXR Distortion + Clone - BYOC Shredder - Boss DD-20 With Tap Tempo - Cusack Tap-O-Whirl Tremolo - Xotic Effects RC Booster - BYOC MXR Phaser Clone!

Serving Him,


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