Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Great Home Recording Website!

Here is another great website I found about a month or two ago!  If you have a home studio or if your thinking about starting one, this site is a huge help!  Between the articles and the numerous video tutorials, this site is a grand slam!  And all for FREE!  

Graham Cochrane is the guy behind "The Recording Revolution".  His desire is to help others, "Make better music now!"

"My goal for this blog is to educate and empower a new generation of musicians and songwriters to make outstanding music with their home studio.  I hope to break through the hype and marketing that tells people they need to spend more money if they want better results.  I want to eliminate any and all excuses prohibiting great talent from making great recordings."

I was so thankful I had an opportunity to meet Graham a few weeks ago.  Simply to talk about recording and the endless journey of learning more about it.  Graham is a genuine guys who has a passion for music and a passion for the Lord.  He is the worship leader at Aletheia Church in Tampa, FL.  Graham also has a whole course on Pro Tools that you can order for a great price!  Make sure you take a minute and check out his site!

Serving Him,



  1. Jimmy, thanks so much for posting about my blog. So encouraged that it has helped your music and I hope it does the same for many others!

  2. Hey man thank you! You do a great job!

