Saturday, March 27, 2010

Who's Your Influence?

Throughout my years of playing I've had people ask me, "Who are some of your influences?" and "What guitarists do you listen to?" This is always hard to pinpoint because you pick up all kinds of things from all kinds of players. And of course as music is always changing so is your playing. With that said some of the people I am currently listening to are Lincoln Brewster, Ben Gowell, and Nigel Hendroff. Each of which have their own style of playing.

Lincoln Brewster is probably one the most widely known worship guitarists. He has multiple albums and is an outstanding player! He is an extraordinarily versatile player who can adapt to any style of music. In his latest album he goes from rock, to blues, to gospel, and then some. It's a excellent CD and I would encourage everyone to buy it! He also has two instructional DVD's that are currently out. I have the first and it too is great! Also if you haven't heard his testimony and how he came to know the Lord you've got to read it!

Ben Gowell is currently playing with Paul Baloche, Michael W. Smith, and Sara Groves (All @ the same time JK). His playing is very super creative. You generally won't hear him scream out some lightening fast hardcore flashy solo (though I'm sure he could) however his creativity and consistency make him a very sought after guitarist. I love Ben's style that always makes you say, "How and where is he playing that?" I've had the honor of meeting Ben at a Seminars 4 Worship event and he is one of the most down to earth people you could meet. His love for playing the guitar and more importantly his love for his God comes shining through! Ben also has an instructional DVD out and it focuses on everything! From chord shapes, to scales, to music theory, to equipment, its all in there (like a good pasta sauce)! It's got to be the most beneficial instructional DVD I have seen (and I've seen a lot)! If you don't have it get it!

Nigel Hendroff is one of the many guitarists who play for Hillsong United! He (like Gowell) is a very creative guitarist. Hillsong's music is very unique and different and consequently so is Hendroff's playing style. Nigel doesn't have an instructional DVD however you can find him on Youtube teaching many Hillsong songs!

All these guys are great guitarists! They all have shaped the way we play worship music today! They all currently play for their churches and have a heart for God! So there are just a few of my influences as it pertains to worship, how about you? Who are some people you're listening to? Who are the people that help shape the way you play? Please share them below!

Serving Him,
