Saturday, June 26, 2010

Pedals Pedals Pedals!

For a long time now I've been wanting to post a picture of my current pedal board set-up.  The only problem is that my board doesn't always stay the same.  My pedal board is in a constant state of motion (if you will).  I change out pedals depending on the songs and sets I'm playing.  This week we are getting ready to go off to camp with a bunch of high school and middle school students!  I'm a Youth Pastor and our student band is playing all the worship for camp.  Sometimes when I travel I use a short board and only use five or six pedals.  Anyway I started piecing together the board I will use and I thought I would just take a picture of all my pedals and post it.  I have approximately 6 or 7 distortion / overdrive pedals.  The reason for this is because they all play differently and sound differently.  Each pedal can sound completely different every time you switch guitars or amps.  And when you record everything changes.  So with that said I always try to have two or three different distortion / overdrive pedals with me.  Anyway its safe to say that some of these I use more than others.  I have an envelope filter that is so cool but you can't use it all that often.  You get the idea.

I want to start a monthly / bi-monthly section in my blog called "Stompbox Spotlight"  where I demo different pedals and give their strengths and weaknesses.  But for now here are some of the boxes I use!

Serving Him,


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Another Great Site!!!

So I was talking with a friend tonight (actually instant messaging) and he had some chord questions.  Anyway I googled "chord finder" and it came up with this site.  Its awesome!!!

It has a chord finder, scale finder, tuner, jam tracks, and video's!  Check it out!!!

Serving Him,
