Tuesday, November 29, 2011

First Full Length CD Done!

As most of you (who follow my blog) know I've been working on a project for a good friend of mine.  This is the first full length album that I've recorded and so I'm very excited.  Not only because it's my first one but also for the reason behind the album. 

Shane and his family are adopting a baby girl (Madeline) from China.  He is using the proceeds of this album to help offset the cost of the adoption. Here is a link to his website if you would like to purchase it and download it!  The physical CD's should be in any day now so if you like a physical CD email him and he can get you all the info on it.  

It has truly been a blessing to be able to work on this project and I pray that God will bless it!  Shane is planning on doing a CD release concert sometime at the end of January.  I'll let you know more when things are confirmed!

Serving Him,
