Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Merriam-Webster defines the word invest: "To make use of for future benefits or advantages."  When I graduated from seminary and started at my first church, they had a small matching retirement program.  I decided to take full advantage of it and start saving for my retirement right away.  It's not a big program by any means however it's something.  The idea is to simply save a small amount of money each week and put it away into a fund where it would grow over time!  It has grown over the years.  Sometimes it grows fast and sometimes it grows slow.  Nevertheless it's the constant small deposits that will reap benefits in the future!

Ministry is similar in that we are investing in people.  The coolest part about this kind of investing is that the benefits are eternal.  The reward is so much better than anything we could possibly achieve here on earth!  So many times we get this backwards!  We think we need to invest in all kinds of material things, but seldom do we hear about investing our lives into others!  When we invest in someones life we are doing kingdom work.  There is no amount of money (or material possessions) that could replace this type of investing!

Think about the people who have invested into your life.  Think about the people that made an impact on your life.  Who is it that has mentored you or has helped shape you?  Can you put a monetary value on that?   I don't know about you but I know I can't!

I say all this because I had the opportunity to see a friend that I haven't seen in a long time this past week.  It was great getting the chance to catch up and see how he and his family are doing!  He is someone who invested his life into mine and I am thankful.  God has place so many people in my life who have blessed me and shaped me into the person I am today.  I could write a book on all those who have!  My friend (David) that I got to see had an impact on me in the area of music.  And since this blog is all about music I thought it would be appropriate to say thanks and to challenge us all to think about who we might could invest our lives into!

Serving Him,


Monday, April 11, 2011


Hey Everyone,

I realize I haven't blogged in over a month (I usually try to blog at least once a month).  I know that's not all that often but that's usually all that I have time for.  I just wanted to update you on some of the things I've been working on and why it is I haven't blogged lately.

First off I have been working on my home studio and learning as much as I can about recording.  I will be recording a CD for a good friend of mine.  He will be using the proceeds of his CD to help offset the cost of adopting a baby girl from China!  I am so excited to be involved in this project!

Second I have also started working on an instrumental CD of my own.  I have two / three songs started and I will be writing more.  I am also very excited about this because it's something I've always wanted to do!  So that's just a quick glance into my world right now.  I will continue to blog and do videos in the future it just might be a in a couple of months!

Serving Him,
