Thursday, June 16, 2011

Spring Cleaning!

I know we're getting very close to summer but I thought this would be a good time to blog about keeping up with your guitar and equipment!  This week I was with a good friend of mine and I picked up his guitar.  I couldn't help but notice that it needed some attention.  The fretboard was dirty and the strings hadn't been changed in a while.  I offered to take it and clean it up!

First I took a piece of plastic with a sharp edge and scrapped off all the grime and gunk on the fretboard.  Next I took some lemon oil and started cleaning the frets and fretboard.  I went over them several times to insure that they were free from any dirt or build up.

Finally I polished the body and changed the strings.  It's very important to keep up with your strings and to change them regularly.  Changing your strings will help your guitar stay in tune consistently.  Old strings can greatly impact your guitars intonation in a negative way.  

It's like the old adage, "Take care of your tools and your tools will take care of you"!

Serving Him,


P.S.  Here's what my cleaning cloth (an old t-shirt) looked like after cleaning the fretboard!