Friday, December 31, 2010

Glorious 2010

If you've followed my blog at all this past year you probably know that I'm a huge Paul Baloche fan!     This year (along with the past three years) I attended the Seminars For Worship conference back in November.  I know this post is late however it's better late than never (right?).  Anyway, what a great time!  As usual Integrity put on an amazing conference.  Paul Baloche, Kathryn Scott, and Brian Doerkson led the conference once again this year.  

Brian Doerkson started the conference talking guessed it, worship.  He said as worship leaders we must lead the congregation in worship, and that can be very difficult at times.  He said it's not hard for people to worship, we all worship!  But the difficulty comes in turning peoples affection towards God!  We all worship something - it could be money, a job, a car, a house, a relationship, etc.  The difficulty is turning away all the distractions and focusing on God who alone deserves our worship!  I'm paraphrasing what he said, but it was great!  It reminds me of a skit the "Skit Guys" do!

Then Paul Baloche and band did his famous Worship Band Workshop!  If you don't have that DVD of his you need to get it.  It's a MUST HAVE for any worship band (more important than any piece of equipment have or need).  I could watch that thing a hundred times and still be reminded of something!  Seeing it live is such a blessing because you can interact and ask questions!  

Lastly all the breakout sessions and workshops were great!  I have been to a number of them throughout the few years I've been attending and they're all helpful!  Very informative and tailored to your instrument (Guitar, Bass, Drums, Keys, Lighting, Sound, Vocals, Music Theory, ETC). 

I think the best thing about this conference that's so unique from others is that you see the heart of each one of these guys and gal.  They are so genuine and down to earth.  It's not about hype or the latest and greatest equipment, it's about God!  It's about how to lead others in worship.  So thank you Paul, Brian, and Kathryn for doing what you do and for another great conference!

Serving Him,


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Great Home Recording Website!

Here is another great website I found about a month or two ago!  If you have a home studio or if your thinking about starting one, this site is a huge help!  Between the articles and the numerous video tutorials, this site is a grand slam!  And all for FREE!  

Graham Cochrane is the guy behind "The Recording Revolution".  His desire is to help others, "Make better music now!"

"My goal for this blog is to educate and empower a new generation of musicians and songwriters to make outstanding music with their home studio.  I hope to break through the hype and marketing that tells people they need to spend more money if they want better results.  I want to eliminate any and all excuses prohibiting great talent from making great recordings."

I was so thankful I had an opportunity to meet Graham a few weeks ago.  Simply to talk about recording and the endless journey of learning more about it.  Graham is a genuine guys who has a passion for music and a passion for the Lord.  He is the worship leader at Aletheia Church in Tampa, FL.  Graham also has a whole course on Pro Tools that you can order for a great price!  Make sure you take a minute and check out his site!

Serving Him,


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Attaching Pedals!

Hey everyone!  I know I haven't updated my blog in a quite sometime now (sorry about that).  Anyway, I was looking for a new way to mount my new wah pedal and I came across a few different ideas.  Here's a little video illustrating a few of them.

Serving Him,
