Monday, January 30, 2012

A Valentine Post!

I recently purchased a pedal (with some gift cards from Christmas) that has the capability to run an expression pedal out of it (Line 6 M5).  I've seen some of those single knob expression pedals that are small and I decided to try to make one!  

Now I must confess that I enjoy a great pedal as most guitarist do!  And my wonderful wife has a special place in her heart for all my guitar gear and pedals as well :)  Lately she has been decorating the house with some special Valentine motifs (she's an awesome decorator)!  So out of my love for her I decided to compliment her creative decorating and dedicate this special pedal as a beautiful Valentine pedal!  I'm such a romantic!

I've also decided to put my tap tempo (for my delay pedal) in the same enclosure.

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